best monitor speaker under $2000


since im just a beginner with tight budget, im wondering about the best overall sound for my rotel ra 1062.
maybe someone could help me out.

North Creek Kitty Kats if you really need them close to the wall. Tiny speakers with huge sound--however they are only just under your $2K limit and that in kit form--cabinets would cost a few hundred more. But if you need small and close to the wall, check out North Creek. Design and materials second to none.

Just recently they seem to have brought back their free-field designs too.

Now about that amp... I humbly agree with what Ejlif says, above. My small experience says that you will probably enjoy your system more if you invest more in amplification at this stage. If you do go that route, I suggest you check out the North Creek site anyway. There's a lot to learn there.
Agreed that you can do much better musically than the Rotel and still meet your budget of $2k + the $500 you'd get for the Rotel.

I'd still recommend the JMR Trentes along with a used Yba Integre DT integrated($1,100) to come in at ~$2,500.

Or, if tubes are an option, Trentes with a Melody/Onix SP-9, SP-3, or H88. Tubes + JMR is truly something of beauty to behold.

This all depends on how big your room is, musical tastes, listening volume, and what type of sound you prefer.
I would consider looking at some of the used Merlin monitors for sale that are in your price range;if you are interested then call Bobby at merlin for his opinion on how well they would perform with your rotel as I am not familiar with it;you may even find yourself moving to a different intergrated, amp, or even tubes in the future.
Try right here on Audiogon for a used pair of Usher Be-718's with stands if possible. I have seen them as low as $1200 or maybe around $1400 or so depending on condition, age, and finish color. If no stands, try them at and get their heavy weight pair for about $120 a pair or so perhaps. Try Paradigm too perhaps. Used though is a great way to get them much cheaper and still get a great product. Tom