Best multichannel amp for music?

I got a Theta Dreadnaught-2 which doesn't fully satisfy me. It has notably better mids and highs than the older Bryston I replaced (nrb series), and I like the character of the sound a lot better, but the bass is kinda weak and boomy in comparison and it doesn't localise as well as the Bryston. Are there any multi-channel amps that would have the strengths of both? I'd like to stay around 2500 used. Theta front end, Snell C/V speakers. Thanks. -Dave
The Plinius Odean is something like 10K used!!! I'd love to have one of those too, but i am in same ballpark as you. Hard to find perfection though. What I'm seeing that may be worth investigating at 2500 or less used:
Parasound A51
BelCanto evo6
Simaudio Aurora
Sunfire Theatre Grand (or cheaper Cinema Grand)

Just my two cents. Understand that I'm going completely off reviews and forums. No personal experience.

Hey, wanna buy a couple amps each and swap them, lol?
Jylee - excellent point. In fact, I used to use three 2-channel amps (all Brystons), and I moved toward a 5-channel for rack space considerations. I am not wedded to that idea though. I probably would want to have the mains and center driven by at least the same manufacterer of amps, if not a 3-channel. I've never head pass amps (do I remember that those are tubes?). Do you think they'd be a good match for the rest of my equipment? Theta front end, Snell speakers (the preamp is an adcom, probably the next thing to go after I get the amp right).

Jeffkad - I've certainly heard good things about Simaudio, and I've sort of been keeping my eye out for a used Titan. The question is, will I have the same amp/speaker mismatch I have with the Theta? Is it not similar in terms of impedance and damping? Shadorne, if you're still monitoring this thread, I'd love a response on that.

Thanks for all the replies so far. The only amp that has been mentioned by more than one person so far is the Parasound. Never heard it, but I'm certainly willing to give it a shot. Can it really keep up with the others we've mentioned at that price?
Pass Labs are solid state amps designed by the legendary Nelson Pass. Lots of positive reviews can be found here on forum and also on publications. They are not tube amps, but MF did say XA-160 he reviewed erased the line between tubes and solid states.
Hey Y'all,

I don’t think the issue you are having is that the amp and speakers are mismatched. I'm not disputing anything that Shadorne has said because it all makes sense. But to me the problem is now that you have an amp worth its weight, The Theta Dreadnaught-2, the rest of your systems shortcomings are being exposed. Please don't take that the wrong way. You have some fine pieces in your set up but from what you've mentioned, the Dreadaught 2 is now far and away the best piece you own. Also, if I'm remembering correctly, the Snell C/V are an older speaker, say from the early to mid nineties. It might be time to swap those out for something that better matches the abilities of your amp. If you insist on changing your amp, look into Balanced Audio Technologies, BAT. I was on a search to switch my five tube mono block H/T set up to a solid state multichannel. I narrowed my choices to the BAT VK-6200 and the Simaudio Titan. I chose the BAT from word of mouth recommendations and I've not looked back. It offers everything you have described but it rarely comes up used on Audiogon and it is very expensive new, $11,500.00 for a five channel unit. Good luck with your search......John
Look into the NuForce MCH 3SEC7. Best multi-channel I've ever encountered. In fact, this unit replaced my Bel Canto Ref 1K for stereo and double-duty for HT as well. This unit is based on the same innards as their highly touted Ref 9SE V2, and for the same price you get 7-channels! This gives the best bass I've ever heard at home and beyond all expectation. Now this is just the beginning--the rest of the frequency range along with the vast and 3D soundstage will leave you breathless. Transparency and resolution are top notch.

One caveat--upstream equipments become critical as well as matching cables--no lean electronics or cables will do for this amp. A little bit of warmth will bring the best out of this amp.

Good luck,
