Best music server for the money

Looking to add a music server to my system. Current equipment is a Theta pre-amp and 5 channel amp Wilson Duettes and a JL Audio f113 sub. I love the ease and convenience of the Sooloos but not sure about the hardware or sound quality for the money. I really do not want to use a computer but would prefer to load rip and go.
Any help would be much appreciated

Thanks guys
Very valid questions, thanks! got me thinking. BTW, the developer in Mojo Audio explains why NAS isn't that good an idea for audio and what is a much better alternative sound wise, cheaper too.
"There is a common misconception that NAS drives are best for media server performance. NAS drives are optimized for multi-user file storage. For a single-user media server an AV drive has better performance. "

it's somewhere towards the end of his lengthy text. He doesn't specifically mentions the sound quality but he means it from what I figured out researching the topic
I find the noise from a spinning HDD (even an external one) is quite noticeable.

A NAS allows you to put the discs in another room.
I second the Antipodes server. I have used it as shows and is the best I have heard. Even FLAC and wav sound identical. Not on a PC or Mac.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
I have an AV drive feeding my Mac (Mojo) Mini. It's completely quiet, much quieter than a standard HDD external.