Best next step to upgrade sound?


I just put together a home theater system with a mid-range Marantz AV Receiver, Marantz DVD player, and Infinity tower speakers. The sound is actually pretty good, I think. My question is: In terms of improving my 2 channel audio sound, what should my next upgrade be? Assuming that I am going to stick with the speakers for at least a little while, I am thinking that a Rega or Music Hall CD player would be a good step up for cd listening. Or should I consider a separate audio-only pre/pro? (Assume that the AVR receiver will stay because it's there for the video duties as well). Any advice in this area would be appreciated.
That door is wide open to you now.

If now, you want to improve upon or add to this, a more dedicated 2 ch aspect, I'd say add an amp first. But that's me.

The Fidelity wall you have in place now is the receiver. Although I'm sure it is fine enough, I see it as the major restriction to improving 2 ch dramatically.

Very nice to great 2 ch rigs require a fine source, preamp, amp, and loudspeakers... as well as the peripherals... cables, power cond, isolation, and acoustical treatments.

Any item (s) you add now in those respects will be a benefit. I just like the approach of having in place a strong motor (amp) first, then adding to it. Ultimately, my track record shows I replace the amp eventually though. Primarily as I see the front end (source & preamp) as being more important by some margin than the loudspeakers & amp.

A moderately performing front end & amp with outstanding speakers is usually surpassed by having a great front end and mid level amp & speakers. IMO

I suppose it all comes back to signal integrity throughout the chain of components... If you don't have a great source to begin with, I don't see how you can manage to make the signal better thereafter.

...again, its all up from here. Good luck.
The best bang for your buck is powercords. This is probably one of the most overlooked areas in terms of upgrades but will yield significant improvement in sound.
Thanks, all. So Blindjim, when you recommend an amp, do you mean add an external power amp via my AVR's preamp out? Do you think that would make a difference more than say, a dedicated CD only player?