Best object in your listening room.

Lets stick with inanimate objects- no people, live animals or audio visual equipment.

Best object in my room is a Big Horn Sheep! "Curly" never complains about the music whether it's too loud, too low, too soft, too hard. He never looks at me as if I am wasting my life sitting in a room listening to music instead of "going for a walk", or cleaning something (other than my records of course).
Curly is one bad Ram.
BTW, I did not kill this beautiful animal. He was "taken" by a friends father in Montana in the 1960s.
We are obviously proud of our "man caves" as the boss calls it. If possible, post photos of these objects in "my system".
I'd love to see the Salmon, Iranian rug (I have several), snakes-in-a-room, etc.
The futon that I custom built out of walnut. The end table I use for my drink, and the equipment rack I built. I also like the cd racks that I built that hang on the wall..
Mable, my brothers "piece." She never fails to deliver. lol
But i am also proud of my chair.