Best P-Mount cartridge -- No Grado please

I have a nice turntable and want to try and get the best out of it but it only takes P-mount,, any suggestions? NO GRADO, to dark and boring and I own two of them the gold and a Red, but my audio technica sounds better! Also, I am using the PARASOUND PHONO pre upgraded by galen carol audio with all Black gate caps and power supply, I am pleased with the results but am looking to find a well detailed and bass controling cartridge, as I said the technica is not bad but would like to try others,, I do not even know who makes decent High end p-mounts anymore--besides grado which I like but does not have enough detail--a little to laid back for my AR tube pre-amp. THANKS
I can understand why you would think that Grado's sound "dark" or "boring" if you like the AT sound. Most AT's had a rising high frequency response. As such, they tend to sound bright, "hot" or more "alive" than many other cartridges. On the other hand, many people find Grado's to be slightly "warm" anyhow. Comparing the two would probably highlight the differences in tonal balance to a great extent.

Viridian does bring up a valid point that the cartridges may not be properly loaded though. You might not believe the differences that changing the loading on a cartridge can make. You might want to check into this prior to dumping more money on a new cartridge as it sounds like you already have a few to choose from. The Ortofon's that "V" mentions might also be a good "mid-ground" between the AT and Grado sound.

As to P-Mounts, try contacting Garage-A-Records and see what they have to offer. They are basically a small yet personable operation that will walk you through your options. A call to Jerry Raskin's Needle Doctor will probably give you a few more makes / models to think about. Sean
I actually ordered the grados from Garage-A-Records and they recommended me to not go with it at the time, they recommended the 440ml audio technica over the grado at the time, however it was not in pmount. The system sounds good with the grado, however it is just lacking at LOWER volume levels is all, If I crank it, IT really shines but I cannot due that all the time, That is why I am getting better detail with the audio technica.. Thanks guys
For sure, Ortofon is recommended. Not sure what kind (make/series) of T/T you own. Most T/T's with P-mount cartridge mount (to my knowledge) although quite listenable/enjoyable are not up to the quality of say a resonably priced T/T such as the Rega P-2 (with RB-250 tonearm), or any one of the (many available) used tables such as the Thorens TD-1(66), etc series. Point being, do not spend too much on a cartridge if your T/T is only of moderate quality.
The Ortofon MC-1 Turbo is a high output (reasonably priced --$95-$125 I believe)Moving-coil (connects directly into a MM input) that is quite good. If you e-mail me back with the type of T/T you own, perhaps I can give you some other recommendations.....

peter jasz