Best Phono Cable for SME Series V

I have recently acquired an SME Series V tonarm and would like to replace a) the standard tonearm wire with a high-quality phono cable to connect the tonearm with my phono pre (Omtec Antares CP-1i V4). I was told Cardas Golden Reference is nice as well as the products from Furutech and Nordost.
Furthermore I would like to replace the four tiny cables which connect the cartridge (Lyra Delos) with the tonearm itself (are these tiny cables available from different manufacturers?).
Any recommendations ? Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by jbrrp1

On my SME V, I have progressed through the Graham IC50, then moved up to the Silver Breeze (great value for money, IME), and settled upon the Stealth Audio Hyperphono.  The Graham IC50 was clearly an improvement over the VdH cable, and the Silver Breeze a very nice improvement over the IC50.  Then I tried the Hyperphono, which just made the music come so much more alive in my system that I was stunned.  I have enjoyed it now for ~6 years, and I like it, too, when I switch in my Graham Phantom II.  I'd love to hear the top line PAD....

One very strange thing:  my phono system always had a low level of 60 hz related hum going on in it - - never too obtrusive, but present in the silent passages of a piano sonata's slow movement.  Just like groove woosh and ticks and pops, I learned to listen through it.  When I switched to the Hyperphono, this just disappeared!  Cannot tell you how or why, but it is a distinct plus.  There is NO hum even with the volume knob cranked way beyond a level you could play a record with.  Curious, indeed, and most welcome.
Yeah, isn't that silly of me.  I didn't even look at the date, it was just in Audiogon's "More to Discover" teaser window over on the right, so I clicked and shared my experience.  Why Audiogon has that loaded there, I don't know, but I will certainly check the dates out in the future.

Given the durability of the SME V as a tonearm, I guess it's always topical!