Best Phono Cable for SME Series V

I have recently acquired an SME Series V tonarm and would like to replace a) the standard tonearm wire with a high-quality phono cable to connect the tonearm with my phono pre (Omtec Antares CP-1i V4). I was told Cardas Golden Reference is nice as well as the products from Furutech and Nordost.
Furthermore I would like to replace the four tiny cables which connect the cartridge (Lyra Delos) with the tonearm itself (are these tiny cables available from different manufacturers?).
Any recommendations ? Thanks!

I am wondering if you had a chance to compare the Silver Breeze with tonearm cable with the Purist Audio directly? I have two SME V's and I am thinking about swapping out phono cables as well. I am leaning towards the Silver Breeze as it seems to be pretty consistent in regards to performance in comparisons to other top league cables.

These two cables use different metals, the Silver Breeze silver the Purist's use copper, hence my question. Thanks in advance.

I am wondering if you had a chance to compare the Silver Breeze tonearm cable with the Purist Audio directly?
No I haven't. My purchase of the Silver Breeze -- which was all but a done deal -- was inadvertantly sabotaged by Jim Aud (owner of PAD) offering me a Venustas phono cable at CES for the same price!! Until then, I'd not even heard of PAD, and figured I could easily sell the Venustas if I didn't like them ;--) BTW, the Venustas line uses copper/silver/gold alloy conductors.

So I'm hoping someone like yourself will take Max up on his trial offer and let the rest of us know what you think. I am having Max build a special mono Silver Breeze phono cable for a friend, but it hasn't been made yet.
I have used the SilverBreeze on my SME V across several different phono stages & preamps and am quite satisfied with it.
Jtimothya -- what other phono cables did you use/consider before settling on the SB?
I will take the plunge and contact Max to try the Silver Breeze phono cables. As I am using an Aesthetix IO Signature and all tube amplification from Octave amps from Germany, I hope to achieve good synergy. Based on the design phylosphy of Max's products; I think that goal should be reached. I did not change the stock VDH audio cables before as I was somewhat skeptical about any imrovements, my system is highly resolving and very musical already, I just can't imagine that I am missing that much more information from the phono source.

I am willing to try and experiment though; so I will take the plunge. I especially like the fact that they use the WBT silver locking connectors now; as this makes for secure connections in a jungle of other cables.

Time to make the call.