Best Phono Cable for SME Series V

I have recently acquired an SME Series V tonarm and would like to replace a) the standard tonearm wire with a high-quality phono cable to connect the tonearm with my phono pre (Omtec Antares CP-1i V4). I was told Cardas Golden Reference is nice as well as the products from Furutech and Nordost.
Furthermore I would like to replace the four tiny cables which connect the cartridge (Lyra Delos) with the tonearm itself (are these tiny cables available from different manufacturers?).
Any recommendations ? Thanks!
I have used the SilverBreeze on my SME V across several different phono stages & preamps and am quite satisfied with it.
Jtimothya -- what other phono cables did you use/consider before settling on the SB?
I will take the plunge and contact Max to try the Silver Breeze phono cables. As I am using an Aesthetix IO Signature and all tube amplification from Octave amps from Germany, I hope to achieve good synergy. Based on the design phylosphy of Max's products; I think that goal should be reached. I did not change the stock VDH audio cables before as I was somewhat skeptical about any imrovements, my system is highly resolving and very musical already, I just can't imagine that I am missing that much more information from the phono source.

I am willing to try and experiment though; so I will take the plunge. I especially like the fact that they use the WBT silver locking connectors now; as this makes for secure connections in a jungle of other cables.

Time to make the call.
AQ4life: I used my SME-supplied vdH tonearm cable for years; skeptical like yourself that anything else would be much of an improvement. But as my system got more resolving, my phono playbck stayed the same even through a couple of cartridge changes. That's when I decided to investigate the TA cable. So when I came back from CES and installed my new Venustas, I was both furious and ecstatic at the same time: how could SME do this to me!?
E-mail sent. I am hoping to hear back about possible shipping options. I have an APO mailing address and according to the web site, they only use FEDEX and not USPS; the only way I can receieve mail. I called, Max was not in. Hopefully I will hear back soon, then I can make some meaningful responses to this thread. I think your system (Neil) is pretty well balanced and I am pretty sure that you worked, slaved and sweated alot to get to where you are, as I did, hence the high resolution capabilties. Based on what you are stating, I think I might be in the same state of mind when I do get to try these cables, upset yet ecstatic at the same time.

My only comment so far is that stock VDH MCD 501's seem to work pretty darn good; however, based on other opinions, those who have upgraded from the 501's to other cables, there is room for improvement. Man, just when I thought it was good enough.
