Best phono for a Merrill MS2/Triplaner/Ort. AC90 ?

Thanx in advance for any opinions/feedback.

I have a Merrill MS2 table with a TriPlaner 5 arm and an Ortofon AC90 cart. that I have been using back and for between my Lehmann Decade and Fosgate Sig. phonostages,
all through an MBL reference hardware and speaker setup with a Wireworld Plat. Eclipse rca cable to pre.
Both phono's are VERY admirable in their own right with the typical compromises between tube and SS.
I'd like to sell them both and take it to the next level.

Does anyone have any real experience with a table setup similar to this, or how to kick things up to the next level considering the MBL stuff is not always the friendliest gear to team up with other gear?

A friend of mine had allowed me to demo a JENS phono with a system extremely similar to mine and it was truly phenominal- really, but it is a rarely produced product and I am weary of long term issues with it.

Any feedback with phono's in the 8-15k retail range might offer a significant improvement? I'm not weary of a higher end tube phono assuming it can keep the bass somewhat under control.


Showing 1 response by dhcod

I think when you are up in your level, you can usually get a dealer to supply you with a unit to test out, which frankly I'd require because it's all about synergy and because the room itself comes into play to such large degree, even if I had the same front end as you and even the same electronics, it would still sound different at my house than yours. A lot of time the difference between units at this level is like a hugely expensive tone control. If it were me, I'd probably get a Manley Steelhead to start my listening test and move on to Allnic or Lamm and see where the differences lie in my room and next to the Aestetix IO then end up maybe at the Zanden at the top of your price range. Perhaps a call to one of the wonderful high end retailers is in order?