Best Player or DAC: ceiling $3k

My primary system: Stax Omega Headphones with Stax 007 balanced tube headphone amp.I plan to use balanced interconnects. I listen to a wide variety of music. I am looking to buy a the best digital source without going much over $3000, though no need to go that high. I live in the hinterlands and cannot audition anything. Therefore, I am left to interpret the interpreters.I am unlikely to get into SACD,etc. My candidates on the used market:
-Kora Hermes II
-Balanced Audio Technology
-Audio Note Balanced 3.1
-Theta Gen V Balanced
-Meridian 508.24
-(New)- The Lector
The Lector (sp.) is discussed here. Absolute sound gave it a very good review. Actually, I have started to narrow my search. I am desperately seeking a BAT CD player, but cannot find one. I would also like a fully balanced system, given that my Stax headphone amp is balanced (no pre involved).I have added to my list the new Accuphase 67, which looks like it may get redbook quality of the 75v. The good thing about the 67 is that it has slots for ease of upgrading to SACD or DVD-A. The 'Capitole II' is too much (runs 4500 used).I have taken the Meridian off my list, and have decided to go with a single box operation, which eliminates the Hermes and Audio Note. A number of you have recommended the EMC. The Lector is not fully balanced and I understand it takes months to get one. This leaves me with two options:
Accuphase 67 (perhaps used 75v)
Any opinions. My primary system is CD player, Stax Omega balanced tube amp and Stax Omega headphones. I only listen to 'heavy' music on my long runs. Imaging and warmth is very important. Into the likes of ECM jazz, minimalist classical and quality electronic (Steve Roach). Thanks
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Resolution Audio Opus 21 (new). Suggest a demo. trial from the manufacturer. I believe the most you're out for 30-days is $150.00. I'm not familar with the other units, but the Opus 21 lives up to its "resolution" moniker, and it can directly drive an amp.

Wadia 861 Basic (used)
I second Mrmb's input on the Opus 21. Have had one now for 3 weeks in my system. Completely beautiful sounding. IMO, much better than anything I've heard for twice the price.
Only thing that could need improvement is the remote, but that's no biggy.

Best, Michael Wolff
Try MSB TECH their Gold link III is good but the platium series is world class but that will be over $3000 say $5000
these are S.S.