Best Portable Sound

Looking for the best portable sound for listening to my classical music collection. No compression, battery lasting 4 - 5 hours. Any thoughts on Apple's new iPod, Sony or Sharp's best minidisc players or a straight forward Walkman type player.
For true portability an Ipod is definitely the way to go. The 30GB version holds 7500+ songs and sounds better than the minidisk players I have heard. They also sound great with etymotic headphones.
Definitely the ipod. I have the 15 GB version, which is slightly thinner and lighter than the 20 and 30 and holds 3500 songs. Nice sounding headphones and can be hooked up to a radio/stereo at a friends house, the office, etc.
Ipod is cool, but it is not good for classical as it is compressed.

With a 777 or old "portable" CD, a Grado phone, or a HD580/600 with a small amp, you can get superb sound which MP3 no way to compare.