Best Portable Sound

Looking for the best portable sound for listening to my classical music collection. No compression, battery lasting 4 - 5 hours. Any thoughts on Apple's new iPod, Sony or Sharp's best minidisc players or a straight forward Walkman type player.
For true portability an Ipod is definitely the way to go. The 30GB version holds 7500+ songs and sounds better than the minidisk players I have heard. They also sound great with etymotic headphones.
Definitely the ipod. I have the 15 GB version, which is slightly thinner and lighter than the 20 and 30 and holds 3500 songs. Nice sounding headphones and can be hooked up to a radio/stereo at a friends house, the office, etc.
Ipod is cool, but it is not good for classical as it is compressed.

With a 777 or old "portable" CD, a Grado phone, or a HD580/600 with a small amp, you can get superb sound which MP3 no way to compare.
iPod is not limited to compressed formats. Uncompressed, the 15 GB version will store approximately 12 full albums. Looking for input from someone who has ACTUALLY COMPARED sound quality iPod, minidisc and / or CDP. Thanks in advance for any info.