Best power amp to match Sonus Extrema speakers

Looking for an amp or mono-block amps to match a pair of Sonus Faber Extrema speakers. Wonderful & Incredible speakers but very inefficient to drive. Need an amp with guts and finesse.

Should I go tubes or SS or Hybrid for power amp ?

Budget is under 10K on the used market.

All the best to help my situation.

Hi Semi,

With all due respect to Power 3, it not even close to CAT amps which is suggesting. JL series are rated 100W class A but the output transformers are 55lb each and have limitless power reserve, around 500W. Ken Stevens himself drives Wilson Grand Slamms without any problem with JL2. If an amplifier can get good bass from Grand Slamms, there are very few speakers in the real world that Amp can not drive. I own JL2 and I think it has the best of both worlds, SS and Tube. It is the only tube amp with the bass which can challange that of Symphonic Line kraft 400 monos(400W class A SS, the best bass on planet earth!) although does not quite get there.
Compliments to your speakers, I think there are the best Sonus Faber has ever made.
How about Jadis JA200's or something big and mono from Paul at tube research labs?
My goal is to own that same pair of speakers, and I intend on driving them with a Levinson 23.5.
LAMM, Gryphon, bigger Rowlands - guts and finesse.
With LAMM and Rowland support is excellent. With Gryphon you may have to ship them to Denmark if something goes wrong though there might be a distributor here, I am not sure. Which one? It will depend on your preferances. Personally I would try LAMM first and probably Gryphon second.