Best Power cords for Clayton M300 & Bob Carver 305

Hi All.

Looking for suggestion on best types of power cords that can match 2 different types of Amps.

I have the following:

Clayton Audio M300 Mono Blocks and the Bob Carver Black Beauty.

I been researching into Triode Wire Labs, Lessloss budget is approx 500 dollars per cord.

Both are top class Amplifier, The Bobs Sound wanderful only if mated with a very good pre-amp. They have a slight darker tone to them with a jet black background i find them very quiet compared to my past tubes amps. I think its going to be a keeper for me. I have no reason to sell them. The Clayton Audio is another keeper. No complaints about these amps either in any way whatsoever. The only gripe is they use XLR as input i would have liked more flexibility but its not an big issue.
I just purchased a pair of the Carver 305 KT-120 tube monoblocks are so far I am extremely impressed with them. A friend brought over his new Triode Wire Labs American 7 power cords and we replaced the Pangea's that I had been using; astonishing improvement! I am purchasing two for the 305's. Bass was immediately noticeably better, more dynamic and extended, midrange and top end clarity was improved as was soundstage width and depth. Everything sounded bigger, more refined, and just most muscial. Here is the link:

Highly recommend.