Best practices when conducting a DAC comparison

Reaching out for general advice on how Agoners have compared DACs in their own systems.....

....and how you have determined the 'better' or the 'preferred' component, based on your comparison.

This will be my first in-depth comparison.

Feel free to mention whatever you believe will help and stuff I may need to look out for / be aware of.

Thank You.

Something else I did that I forgot to mention in my earlier post herein was keep a written log of the results. Seriously. I wanted/needed to "keep score" because often will be the case - especially if when trying blind testing/comparison - that in one instance you favor device A and in another you favor device B. Do that a hundred times and it could be worthwhile to reconcile the results from a written log, in addition to whatever other methods you use.
The thing is, getting to know an audio system takes time.

I'm planning to take my time, especially with the newest component.

The A / B comparisons will be at the very end of the process.

I have read and kept up with your thread. I also posted a few times.

Luckily, I don't have to worry about the return window since I purchased outright because I believe in what @toddverrone mentions in his post. I do not want to rush this. 

Thank you for the detailed response and guidance. Since you recently went through this, the list of all the steps you took is terrific and very helpful.

I'm not sure about the cold start one for me, but I understand why you did it when you explained it on your thread.

My methodology will (likely) not be at a level where you would consider it to be valid. If my business depended on such matters, I'd be much more thorough and particular.

So white coat it will not be. Perhaps somewhere between white coat and cigar jacket. : )

Steve, great points across the board. I'll do my best to check off each one. Thank you!