Best Pre-amp under 2k-USED

I'm having a hard time deciding on a pre-amp. Being fairly new to this hobby, I'm not even sure if I want to go SS or tubes. I have been seriously considering: Krell KRC-3, Conrad Johnson PFR, Levinson 38, Adcom GFP-750, Classe 47.5 and 50 on the SS side and BAT VK-30, Rouge Audio 99 and Melos MA-333r on the tube side. Also included in my list are various models from Audio Research and Pass Labs. I definately want a full function remote and would like to have the flexability of HT pass through. I'd like to get a unit that is considered a "high-end" product which will also match well with a Citation 7.1 amp and an Arcam FMJ CD-23 cdp. Speakers will be my next purchase (right now I'm switching between an old pair of ADS L-710's and a pair of Wharfedale towers.
My pick would be the First Sound Presence preamp. This unit would be at home in any system regardless of price. The biggest challenge will be to get the rest of your system up to the level of this preamp. As a second choice, I would try out the Audible Illusions Modulus 3A.
I still like my Aleph P a lot. I asked Nelson how close the ADCOM is to this design, and he said all he did was give them the design...the execution was up to SADCOM. Not a good scenario. The Aleph P allows true balanced operation, which is great for longer runs to monos. It is DEAD silent, utterly neutral, and yes, maybe "clinical", Sean, but, frankly, I look for coloration in my transducers and room treatment, not my electronics. The last thing I want is a spectrally non-linear pre.
Plus the gorgeous remote and its clickety-clack ratcheting is fun, in a way. 35 lbs of overdesign, but at $1500-$2k
what a deal!
I had an Adcom 750 for a couple of years and thought it was great. That is, until I heard the Placette.

Tubes may beat the living crap out of anything solid state, but you have to like the sound of tubes. The Adcom in passive mode does very, very little to the signal, which strikes me as exactly what it should be doing. On the other hand, maybe you like a pre-amp that makes the system sound more "musical." I have a First Sound and I understand the appeal. So, Say881, you should try to listen to a few examples from both camps.
If you can squeeze an extra 100 bucks out of your budget, you will do good to get yourself a Supratek Chardonnay. Quite easily one of the top preamps in the world today - at any price.

They sell new for $2100. Check out the website:

Hope this helps.