You will be amazed at the sound quality that you have been missing until you introduce a good tube pre-amp with the Brystons. I was using a ss pre-amp with the 4Bst and tubes brought out a new and exsiting sound that I could never had imagined from my system.
best preamp for bryston 14 b st, or 7 b sst?
I recently bought a pair of PMC MB1 speakers, and run them with a Plinius 8200 mk2. I like the sound of that, but definitely need more power.I am planning to get a Bryston 14 B ST or SST amp, or maybe a couple of 7 B SSTs. I am considering mating a Plinius M 16 or CD-LAD with it, but am not sure if that would be a good match, sonically and also electrically. The Bryston seems to need a lot of Voltage to get really going. Maybe the Bryston BP 25 might be better, but I have heard that this might be too bright a combination... What would you suggest?
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