best preamps

can someone recommend best preamps
Best preamp ive heard is dan banquers handmade RE Designs SCPA-1 six channel pre.Dont think you will find one only 15 made I think.Dan passed of heart attack at 58yrs.

i too am am a newbie. I currently have a Denon Dp47f/Grado MF3.. hardly use, needs new stylus or upgrade to a MC cartridge. I have a MK Cotter MK1 step up that I’ve never used. I was going to get into but never did.

my pre/pro is actually a SoNy 9000es. Used it for years, but I’m thinking it’s time to upgrade ?

my speakers are Mirage 760’s and a pair of old pioneer HPM-100

my amp is a Carver 806x multichannel amp thats bridgeable/ I have it bridged two channel 360wpc I believe.

I need help 
The more expensive one that I couldn't afford....certainly it is better then mine..........
@plga +1 , Audio-gd does make good products. I have 3 headphone amps made by Kingwa and one of which is Master-5(I think) pre amp + headphone amp + DAC, Class A.

Lot of folks at like products made by Kingwa.