best preamps

can someone recommend best preamps

i too am am a newbie. I currently have a Denon Dp47f/Grado MF3.. hardly use, needs new stylus or upgrade to a MC cartridge. I have a MK Cotter MK1 step up that I’ve never used. I was going to get into but never did.

my pre/pro is actually a SoNy 9000es. Used it for years, but I’m thinking it’s time to upgrade ?

my speakers are Mirage 760’s and a pair of old pioneer HPM-100

my amp is a Carver 806x multichannel amp thats bridgeable/ I have it bridged two channel 360wpc I believe.

I need help 
The more expensive one that I couldn't afford....certainly it is better then mine..........
@plga +1 , Audio-gd does make good products. I have 3 headphone amps made by Kingwa and one of which is Master-5(I think) pre amp + headphone amp + DAC, Class A.

Lot of folks at like products made by Kingwa. 
Go get a Stereophile magazine in April or October, their Recommended Components issues, and you can see what Stereophile feels that are the best preamps now. This list doesn’t take into account older preamps, only current offerings. The newest is not necessarily the best, it’s just the newest.

System synergy is what it’s all about and some products don’t match up together as well as others, that is why there are so many variables.

CAT SL1, cj Premier 2, 3, & 7, Counterpoint SA9/11, MFA, Klyne, Mark Levinson, Krell, Spectral, Motif, Dennessen JC80, Rowland Research, Threshhold and many many others were all at one time considered tops in preamps and are still very relevant today. In terms of value, I’d take used gear anyday over new for the nostalgia of it and the cost savings over new.