Best "Used" Audiophile speakers for 1000-1500

I just got my federal taxes done and I'm in the "red"; so, I can't spend $4000 for hi-end speaker this year or maybe ever. Need some input on buying a good "used" audiophile speaker for somewhere between $1000-1500.I realize this is a narrow range but I'm sure somebody out there needs the cash and may want to part with a good to mint pair of speakers which retailed for near $3000. Can't wait for better times to come around!! because, I am tired of listening to the cheap pair of mid-fi cans I found in my friend's basement after I sold my B&W's to finance my dream hi-end speakers. All advice appreciated.
In this price range, no list is complete without the Vandersteen 2Ce or 2Ce Signature. This model continues to set the standard for high-value and performance among speakers that retail for around $1500.
I picked up the ACI Jags mentioned earlier. If you are looking for monitors for medium to large rooms you won't go wrong with these. Very musical & transparent speakers. They are also wonderfully crafted and gorgeous to look at. And, they come with stands. Or, consider new ACI Saphires. I should note that the Jags will rock happily when asked to.
I must agree with those who choose Vandersteen in this price range. You cannot go wrong with a used pair of 3A's. Not the most refined speaker on the market, but one of the most musically enjoyable particularly at the $1500 price point. I do not think that any full range speaker comes close at the price point. IMHO.