Best Rock Drummers

I've seen most of them and by far the two that stand out are Neil Peart of Rush and Ceasar Z. of Golden Earring. For non-rock I would say it's a no brainer with Buddy Rich.

@mahgister my wife and I raising biracial children have learned let them be who they are. Do what calls them and they have all done well.  Are children are all grown but know we foster children hoping to leave the same impression two of them are now candidates for Music and Academic Scholarships. 

Teach your children well................

You seems great parents indeed!

i was speaking joking for sure at 70 years old but now i will take my candidacy more seriously... 😁😊

My deepest respect to you and to your wife....



Barrimore Barlow formerly of Jethro Tull is certainly one of the greats.  

@mahgister I hear the big thing now is adult adoption. I can teach you trumpet if the arthritis will not let you work the frets. 

My neighbor hates when I get my saxophone out not that I am bad I am loud. Tenor rules the alto 

This is with piano my favorite instrument...

What is your best trumpet player in your heart?


 I can teach you trumpet