Best Rocking Speakers 15K and Under

 Been looking around for speakers in the 15K range and under. Most of my music is listened to on Vinyl but recently purchased a Aurender N10 for streaming which I am really happy with. I listen to a very wide range of music, some classical, jazz, classic rock, punk and metal. About 10 years ago I got rid of my 70’s era JBL and Pioneer speakers and they both really played everything well. Now it seems difficult finding the right all around speaker.  FYI, I like playing loud and want to hear the bass, but not wanting to go with subs. 

 So far I have listened with my set-up the new Magico A-3 and was impressed. Also on different gear at a dealer Monitor Audio Platinum 300 (I liked) but wasn’t a fan on the same set-up Totem Wind Design, Aerial 7T or ProAc D48R. In fairness to the Proacs I liked the sound but there was a lot of boominess at the dealer and in a fairly large listening area. Might have to go to a different dealer and listen again. Listened to the Legacy Signatures at Audio Doctor and was really impressed. 

 So my short list is Magico A-3, Legacy Focus SE, ProAc D-48R. Anything I’m missing that I should hunt down for a demo? I haven’t yet but by the encouragement of my salesman wants me to listen on my exact set-up the Focal Kanta and Sopra  as well. 

 Recently switched my front end and although my current speakers sound 100% better still not low enough and the highs become fatiguing afer awhile.
 Currently Gear:
McIntosh C2600 Preamp
McIntosh MC611 Monos
Aurender N10
Dr. Feikert Woodpecker TT with Jelco Tonearm/Koetsu Black Goldline, Denon 301II, Sumiko Blue Point
Speakers Kef Reference 3.

 Not willing to change any of my front end, just speakers. (And please no Tektons)
Tekton Ulfberht.  They have some available for 9K right now. If you're looking for rocking speakers, these will rock your world with minimal wattage plus give you unparalleled detail with just a one watt valve amp. I am an owner and have experience their capabilities.
I bought a pair of Legacy Focus SE's about 2 years ago, and in the sweet spot, the "Focus" spot, they were the best sound I'd ever heard in my room, and as good as anything, anywhere..... really!    But as soon as I'd stand up and walk around the room, the sound fell apart.  They are simply too focused.  The horizontal dispersion is very narrow, and they did not fill the room with sound.  My system is in a room adjacent to dining room & kitchen, and my system needs to also fill the house with music.  The Focus SE's failed in that regard.  I returned them at a painful, but fair, 15% restock fee.   I am still using my 29 year old B&W 801 series2's, ands loving them!  (w/self-updated crossovers)
I have a McIntosh tube front end with a Sota Sapphire turntable and found Harbeths to be incredible.

I have the SHL5 Plus’s and they’re terrific.
Definitely hear the Sopra 2’s.  Unlike many higher end speakers I heard, they are equally adept at rocking pretty hard with great body and presence but can also get out of the way and throw a nice deep soundstage.  They’re very faithful to the recordings in that way.  Many speakers I heard either want to be up in your face or are way laid back and color the sound in either direction.  Not Sopras.
Back in 1969 I went to a concert up in Bethel, NY and there were between 300-500K people there. Towers of speakers all over the field and they all said Voice of the Theater. After Vietnam I was setting up my system and had to have hard rocking speakers. No room for the plain Altec A-7s and could not afford the Magnificents so I settled on a pair of Altec Model 19s.

I know the plan here is to spend major dollars on the prettiest and most expensive speakers one can buy but after 45 years with my original pair of Model 19s I have not found a better hard rocking speaker yet. Sure, they do have some disadvantages with various types of music listening but you did say Hard Rocking. The 416-8B woofers are solid and fabulous. The 802-8G horn drivers are a perfect match and the one thing that keeps me a fan of Altec is the fact that Altec is still very much alive and well out at Great Plains Audio where you can have all these components updated, restored, remagnetized and brought back to good as new for pennies on the dollar in today's high end audio market. Audio Geeks play around with various crossovers and bi amping to make them even better while others hook up all sorts of fancy cables and wires in search of audio nirvana but I just turn them on a crank them up and find more issues with the source music than I ever have with the speakers playing it. To each his own but a company that has been around since forever and is still right here supporting us IMO is worth it's weight in gold.