Here's one more suggestion. Last night I heard the brand new Sapphire 300B from Wyetech Labs playing on Total Victories at the home of the designer. They are unlike any other SET amp I've heard.
These are remarkable amps. They are 18 wpc parallel 300B's that have deep, controlled, resolute, thunderous bass that I've never heard from any tube amp before, massive dynamics, remarkable micro-detail, impeccable transient response and a purity of tone that goes right up the spectrum and covers the full volume range.
And boy, could they drive the TVs! At one point we had it cranked up and wanted to communicate. We had to get within two feet of each other and shout to be understood. All the while the musaic was just playing along - uncongested, uncompressed, clean, pure, unflustered, sounding just like it did at lower levels, except UNBELIEVABLY LOUD :-)
I was transfixed by what they did right. In the end though, for me they were easier to admire than to love. I apparently need different audio tickles to keep me happy. If neutrality, dynamics, fabulous bass and a good dose of tube midrange (without being warm) are your ticket to audio nirvana, however, you should look into these. At a stated price of $6900 they have a whole lot to recommend them. I'm sticking with the PX25s, though.