I just sold my Merlin VSM-SEs with Balanced Battery BAM. I'm getting the Kharma Ceramiques if that tells you anything. The Merlins are excellent hi-fi speakers. The Kharmas are superb music makers. If you can appreciate what I mean by those differences, then go with the Kharmas and end the chase. I should note that the larger ProAcs (Response 3.8) would be my alternative choice to the Kharmas, but they're getting a little on the large size in terms of dimensions based on what you listed. If budget is a concern, the suggestion on Meadowlarks is a good one, but frankly it would be a bit of a downgrade (Shearwaters that is) compared to the TSM-SEs you already own. Having said that, I'm waiting on delivery of a pair of Kestrel Hot Rods for my second system, so that's not a knock on Meadowlark at all--I love 'em! Repeat after me--hi-fi bad, music good, hi-fi bad, music good......
Best small 2-way floorstander?
I'm looking to upgrade (sooner or later, I guess) my excellent minimonitors (Merlin TSM-SE) for some small floorstanders. Please share any thoughts on your vote of the "best of the best" in this category and if you think they work best with tubes or solid state. So far I've got the Merlin VSM-SE's or Kharma Ceramique 3.0s on the short list. I do give the edge to Kharma in the looks department, though. They look absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for your input!