Best small 2-way floorstander?

I'm looking to upgrade (sooner or later, I guess) my excellent minimonitors (Merlin TSM-SE) for some small floorstanders. Please share any thoughts on your vote of the "best of the best" in this category and if you think they work best with tubes or solid state. So far I've got the Merlin VSM-SE's or Kharma Ceramique 3.0s on the short list. I do give the edge to Kharma in the looks department, though. They look absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for your input!
re: subs, i would consider vmps - even w/a separate amp & outboard x-over (tho you can use a cheap passive x-over), you can get a *two*-sub set-up (the *only* way to properly integrate a sub system into an audio set-up, imho) for less money than *one* decent powered sub. re: floor-standing speakers, also check out newform research - see their home-page, & see the feedback on audio-review. i'm close to ordering a pair of these... doug
Hifinut604, Let me tell you an amazing sub. Its a company called RBH. They make a sub that uses 2 10 inch alluminum woofers and a built in 200 watt Amp. My friend is using this Sub on the Reference 3A speakers. RBH Also makes a Sub with 1 10 inch alluminum woofer and a built in 200 watt Amp. Check out there website. When your on the site, to see the sub that uses 2 10 inch alluminum woofers, click on signature series. To see the sub that uses 1 10 woofer click on MC series.
Hifinut604, i gave you the wrong site. The Website for RBH, is