Teajay: could you pass on the internet domain of Placette? To which other units did you compare the Placette? |
Thanks a lot so far for your very kind thoughts. I´ll start to audition by the end of next week several pre´s in my system - strangely some dealers strongly recommend to add the optional line-stage module to the Audio Aero Capitole cdp. as it is said to even outperform the Hovland the Ayre and the CAT which I will audition next weekend. Can anybody prove that statement to be right or wrong?
In respect of Burmester - forget these amps - they do not reproduce music. Spectral I´ve heard - great but only in a true Spectral system with MIT cables. Lamm I can´t comment on as they have not been on my short list so far. The most positive feelings out of the forums I currently have with the Ayre K-1X Evolution - but that is unbiased as I haven´t heard the unit personnaly. |
Teajay: thanks a lot. I´ve just send an email to them - and got already a reply - very nice. Will follow up on that.
1markr: I´ve just spoken to the german distributor of AA. He told me, that the optional line-stage module in the AA offers the maximum in sonics to be achieved as the complete audio signal of the AA Cap. runs through the internal line stage - to him an external pre-amp would only add colouration to the signal - sounds a bit bizare... |
Guys thanks for the very nice and helpfull comments so far. I recently had three pre´s in my system: Jeff Rowland Concerto; Ayre K-1X Evo. and Chapter Audio Preface - the Chapter was by far the best of these three solid state pre´s although he has to be combined with a balanced external phono pre (my favourite is the Clearaudio Basic Synergy). In the next round I´ll compare him to Hovland HP-100 and CAT SL-1 Ultimate. So the quest continues.. But right now in my system the Chapter was by far the best. The Placette might be a great unit but looks awful and its built quality is quite "unusual". Didn´t even put it into my system although a friend borrowed one. |
Teja. The answer is quite simple. First: as the system is standing in our living room my wife would be quite dissapointed if it wouldn´t fit. Second: I always try to get the best mixture (build quality, reliability, design, flexibility and sound). Regarding the ML - I really don´t like the sound of their sound as it is to artificial and not involving. Thats why I previously owned Ayre and Jeff Rowland. But the big Coherence II is no longer produced (the best pre I´ve heard so far) and the big Ayre is not very appealing to the eye and the build quality is just average. The Chapter seems to me to be a good bridge between both worlds. But probably I should look at very good tube pre´s ?? Don´t really know as there is so much good stuff around. |
Teajay. I haven´t had the Placette at home in my system. A friend had it but it was not connected as we were listening to an Audio Note M 3 - superb performer.. As I´m not a technichian I´m not really interested on the platine layout (then I would have to buy Spectral gear:).. No I´m always trying to combine aesthetix and performance. I recently auditionned the Synergy II i as well. Very nice, but no phono option.. |
Jprice. I know the Spectral gear quite well. Very good sounding amps and digital equippment - BUT system synergy still is an issue. Regarding Spectral I personnaly would be very happy with DMC 15SL + DMA 150 S II. Krell sound is to boomy and to artificial. My current favourite is the Ayre K-1X Evolution (which is at 13.000,00 -to expensive for me). The Chapter Audio Preface was very good indeed, but offers no phono option which leads me on the SS side to the new Rowland Concerto Pre + phono option which I´ve not heard so far (except of good things).. Probably I should carefully listen to tube pre-amps ??? |
Hello to everybody. I´ll go for a tube pre-amp. After excessive listening sessions at several dealers I must admit, that even the Ayre pre can´t compete with the Hovland HP-100. So My short list is down to: Hovland HP-100; CAT SL-1 Ultimate; Aesthetix Janus and Supratek Cortese.
Thanks so far for your kind help.. |
Dgad, thanks a lot for your very helpfull reply. Yesterday I´ve auditionned a Hovland HP-100 in my system and it did raise the soundquality of my AA (without the optional line-stage module) to a complete new level - which surprised me a lot as I always thought that the AA run directly into my Ayre V-5X evolution amp would be the best way to go.. nuts.. Bass was tighter and had more body through the Hovland, the heights were more extended and the complete soundstage was more focussed (things I miss a bit when using the AA compared to my former Accuphase).
Would you say that the optional line-stage module of the AA for US $ 2.000,00 is on an equal level then the Hovland line stage for US $ 6.500,00 ? |
Thanks for the very interesting hint. I did some listening to Hovland HP-100; Nagra PL-P and Brinkmann Marconi on saturday. I must admit: the Hovland was the "worst" although in my system a better performer than the Ayre K-1X. Brinkmann builds a great unit - on the same extremely high level then the Nagra which by far outperformed the Hovland - but unfortunnately the Marconi offers no phono section. The Nagra is something VERY special. Hopefully I´ll have the chance to compare it against the remaining contenders on my short list: Convergent SL-1 Ultimate; Aesthetix Janus and Supratek Cortese. Dgad: I´m highly interested in your comments about the AA with and without optional linestage.
Yes thats true Stew3859. One of the best ever - but I´m looking for a unit with onboard phono. |
Dgad, thanks. Your comments are very helpful. So on my list remains a comparison: AA with board vs. AA without - all going directly into my power amp. AA with board vs. CAT SL-1 Ultimate; SL-1 Ultimate vs. Nagra (I believe very hard to beat) and both against Aesthetix Janus. |
yes you´re right. But actually my budget for the unit is US $ 8.000,00. The rest is for cables and tweaks. Taking this into account my preference is Nagra although I´m keen to listen to Aesthetix Janus and Cat SL-1 Ultimate. |
Dgad, I´m looking for a pre-amp with onboard phono option as I use a vinyl set-up. But probably I´ll go for the AA with the optional line stage and add a phono pre of the likes of a Clearaudio Basic-Symmetry. The one thing I don´t like with the AA is that it lacks stability and focus. Don´t know if it gets better with the optional line-stage module ?? Thats the only reason why I´m considering a pre-amp inbetween. I´ve had great results with a Boulder 1010 and a Brinkmann Marconi - but the first one is to expensive and the second one lacks the onboard phono option.. |
Artg / Jafox: I´ve auditionned last night Nagra PL-P vs. CAT SL-1 Ultimate MK II. Here are my findings: Nagra beats the CAT hands down is respect of: neutrality, imaging, focus, speed, articulation and depth of soundstage as well as air around instruments - WOW. Furthermore the Nagra is more quiet than the CAT. The onboard phono-stage is at least together with my Benz LP in a class of its own (clearly bettered the borrowed Clearaudio Basic Symmetry as well as the borrowed Pass X-Ono).. The built quality is far better than CAT which is a little poor. The CAT has got more slam, dynamics and inner detail and a better musical flow. CAT likes my Electraglide power cords, Nagra doesn´t (to bright, dry and lean). I don´t know were to put the AESTHETIX Janus ?? Is it in the middle ? What about the buildquality, flexibility and reliability of the Janus ?? Does it match well with Ayre power amp and Audio Aero pre ?? I´ve listened to the VAC and was not very convinced - poor built quality, audible noisefloor and rediciously expensive in Germany. CAT and Nagra were def. better. |
Agoner´s - thanks for your comments so far. The remaining candidates on my list are Nagra PL-P and Aesthetix Janus. The latter one I haven´t heard todate but I´ll be able to do so next week. Since a few days I´ve a Nagra PL-P and a CAT SL-1 Ultimate MK II.3 (very latest version of the CAT) in my system. Both are very impressive units - both with a total different design philosophy - but both are used for A/B - comparisons at their factories (Aesthetix develops its gear with Ayre amps/cdp). Nagra is perfect except of its slight lean and dry sound. CAT is very musical but to mellow - I´ve just listened to a Boulder 1010 which perfectly suits all my needs - unfortunately to expensive. Regarding the VAC Rainessance II - I´ll give it another try with different cables although the importer finishes distribution as many units returned with problems (reliability issues). So I´ll might have a chance to get one very cheap.. A very good unit as well was the Lamm LL2 - but just in the dealers showroom. At my place it turned out to be a total underperformer - probably a mismatch to my components.. Regarding the AA - you can´t pass by the built in volume control. Next week the importer comes to my place to exchange the control board and the volume control with a heavily modified board/volume pot. Let´s see if the AA then really sings.. |
Artg: the only real contender is the new Brinkmann Marconi -but it´s unfortunately a line stage only. Audible superior to the Nagra/ Brinkmann is the Boulder 1010 - but at an out-of-range price-point - at least in Germany.
Next week I´ll be able to audition the Marconi for two days in my system together with a PL-L. As I´m now used to the CAT and PL-P sound I´m looking foreward to hear that comparison. At my dealer both units were on paar and superior to the CAT. Still can´t get hold of any Aesthetix Saturn stuff in Germany. |
Has anyone ever experienced the CELLO 1 Ohm pre amp ? |
No, the 1 Ohm was the latest pre-amp design of Cello. Which ancessor did you choose for your Cello Audio Suite ? |
Hello Folks: thank´s for your very kind input so far. My quest is over! Today my Audio Aero dealer returned my cdp "a little bit modified" ;) Furthermore he installed the optional line-stage module. I must say: the mods take this already excellent sounding player to a totally new level and in conjunction with the line stage module I´ve now got a superb sounding pre as well. I´ve just added a Clearaudio Basic Symmetry phono MC pre and a new Clearaudio Stradivary MC cartridge - FANTASTIC !!! - into my system. I tell you: You will have to pay A LOT more money to surpass the performance of this system... |
I´ll keep you informed when I´ll be able to listen to the new Nagra PL-P linestage in October. I´ll then compare her to my fully modified AA Cap. II with the optional line stage module (bettered the K-1X, the SL-1 and the HP-100 easily).
In respect of the ASR stuff: it´s funny. In Germany no body really cares about their stuff (as it is with Burmester) as they do sound slow, dull and/or artificial. Clearaudio is regarded to be (and to my ears as well) the much better product. But there is a real german champion the Omtec Antares. Rarely seen on the used market but better than Clearaudio, Linn Linto etc. |
I add anotherone Hovland HP 200 |