Best Sounding Room at the HE 2006 Show?


Just spent the past two days at the HE 2006 Show in LA. I know there is an official voting for the best sounding room and it will eventually come out. So this thread will serve as the unofficial voting for the best of show. Let us know what you think if you attended the show.

Personally I like the sound at Harminix/Reimyo room with a pair of Bravo book-end speakers driven by their 300b amp. The front end was their CDP77 & DAP777. The sound was rich in harmonics as the presenter put it. The set up was great for a small room. The only problem is with just tuning feet for the speaker stand costs more than $750, I am going to need a lot of funds. Maybe I should put up my kids for adoption???

Showing 1 response by donbellphd

We did make it to the Lamm and Wilson rooms. Our impression is that the Acoustic Image room was best of show, with exceptional depth of soundstage. It was also one of the most attractive rooms.
