Best sounding solution for Ipod

Hello 'Goners:

Like many of us out there I have succombed to the 'Ipod bug. I am emabarrased to admit but I have large amounts of jazz, rock, and acoustic stuff on WAV files that are wonderful due to the ease and convenience of it's access. However I find the sound slightly lacking in dynamics, soundstage, and transparency especially when listening to jazz (Art Blakey and the jazz messengers come to mind), etc.

I have heard about Krell's new "Kid" ipod preamp but I am not willing to for over 1k of my hard earned cash for a overpriced gimmick Krell is pushing on it's consumers to stay in the augio game. I am also not keen on purchasing a DAC that will just complicate my analog set-up.

I am currently running a recapped C-28 (Mcintosh) preamp, Mcintosh MC-2155 amp, and my laptop is connected via it's headphone jack into the back of my preamp's aux input. I have read about "audiophile"-like tubed ipod set-ups (preamp/amp from FATMAN) but I am not willing to rid myself of my Mcintosh gear or spend $700 on an mass produced, over-hyped, over-priced set-up from China.

There has to be a solution out there that I can use with my current set-up without robbing my wallet or sacrificing my source components.

Any suggestions?


Are you specifically looking for a solution to connect an iPod to your system, or are you looking to improve the sound quality of the music collection you play from your laptop? Reading your original post it's difficult to determine which you need. You don't specificially mention connecting your iPod to your system, but you do mention the fact that your laptop is connected to your system.

So, do you want to improve the sound quality of digital music stored on your laptop, perhaps in iTunes, or do you really want to connect your iPod to your system?
Sammie, that is one of the weird things on the 'Gon... Multiple website links often get the same label even though they have different links.
Try this one......

With a decent DAC of course.