Best speaker cable in the $2,500 range

I have been reading many reviews about the following speaker cables in the around $2,500 price range (for an 8 or 10 ft pair) but can't seem to come to a consensus as to which one would be the best choice. I am looking for a pair to upgrade from my Transparent Musicwave Supers. Any feedback on your experiences with these cables is much appreciated! Thanks!

MIT M3 Magnum
Monster Cable Sigma Retro Gold
Straightwire Crescendo
Synergistic Resolution Reference
Tara Labs Air 1
Transparent Musicwave Ultra
Virtual Dynamics Master (or Nite bi-wired)
Without a doubt, a good component is a good component no matter what other equipment is surrounding it. Although inferior equipment surrounding it might easily mask the positive attributes of a good component, it still remains a good component.

Up to that point, I might agree with this Robert Schult in theory (but never with the Psychicanimal).

However, when such theoretical statements as this are made, one must also look at their potential as well as their actual.

I suppose in practice, according to the Psychic and Mr. Schult, it would be perfectly acceptable and welcomed to mate a 12 wpc SET amp with the rather large and power hungry Rockport Hyperion loudspeakers. Assuming, of course, both are designed with competent engineering and a keen ear.

C'mon, Shultz is trying to justify $$$ cables. The answer is BOTH are correct. Good components are good components, yet must be combined to form a "recipe" that works. Food is a good analogy. You want fine ingredients balanced and cooked well to provide a most pleasing dining experience. Same for audio. And performance doesn't necessarily correlate with price, as we all know...think of food again.
(This diet's killing me!).
There was another post from Robert Schult I read somewhere, where if I remember correctly he said it was impossible for components to be completely neutral , where as his cable design is completely neutral. So if components cannot be neutral , I would have to agree that system synergy is important. However that being said , a series of "properly" designed components in a chain from different manufactures taking in account power requirements should come close to a perfect synergy. Problem is in pratice IMO that is not necessairily the case.
On his cables, which I own, I do have the opposite opinion . Again its just my opinion, but I do believe his cables would work well with 99.9 percent of any high end system. To my ears I cant put any audiophile words to them like bright , dark, lean, forward etc. that I could with the 1/2 dozen similiarly priced cables I had tried previously. In my system and IMO they sound like no cables at all. Im sure it has something to do with that they are silver based {although Im sure there is more to it than that} but every other cable Ive tried has been copper or gold alloy based. With The Ridge Street's my cable search has ended, thats the highest praise I can give a cable.
Just my Opinion. Peace !
I have some AuidoQuest cables and pro-grade interconnect cables. I worth durability during freequent reconnections without loosing tight grip over the terminals. To say that its basic Topaz sounds better than Anaconda is very hard-to-impossible...
Let me begin by thanking everyone so far who has offered their input/insights. I guess to answer some of your questions, my focus on the "sound" that I am trying to accomplish is definitely cater more towards the side of transparent, dynamic and detailed sound as opposed to the smoother, more laid back approach. I guess for lack of better word, a more "natural" sound that I can listen to all day without fatigue. I am a big fan of "air around the voices and instruments". The feel of dimensionality in the front to back soundstage is more important than side to side. I want to feel the singer's voice projected 1/2 way into my living room. Am I making any sense here?