Best Speaker Cable Terminations

I recently purchased a Krell KAV-400xi and a pair of Proac Tablette Reference 8 Signature loudspeakers. I'm making my own speaker cable and will use a single cable with four 10 gauge wires inside of it, for bi-wiring.

I'm going to terminate the cable with spade connectors on the speaker end and was planning to twist the ends together for connection to the binding posts on my Krell. Now I'm wondering if four 10 gauge wires, twisted together, would even fit in my Krell binding posts.

Any ideas on the best way to do this?
My suggestion would be try to put spades all around if possible. Bare wire oxidizes and will fatigue from being clamped on.
My main concern was fitting four 10 gauge wires into a single spade. Maybe I should go with two spades and two banana plugs. That would give me two wires soldered into each termianation?