Best Speaker cables on the cheap?

Aloha everyone, I am going to be upgrading my speaker cables from 12 gauge monster to something better. I dont have very much money to spend, maybe 50-75 dollars and i need at least a 10' pair. So far i think Kimber Kable 4PR seems to be my best buy, although Audioquest type 4 also was well rated, a friend of mine had them and for him they lacked bass, which i dont want. And i would like something terminated with all bannanas or half spades,half bannanas. But i can terminate them myself to save a buck. No, i dont really want to buy used either. Thank you.

Heres my system.

NAD C-370 amp
JBL ND310 speakers
Cambridge Audio D300 cdp
Clarity Wires "foxfire" Silver IC's
Clarity Wires "emberglow" Jumpers

Showing 1 response by paulwp

Do you suppose that 30 awg wire might be filtering out something unpleasant that the expensive and thicker wire is letting through? Maybe?

The AQ Type 6, Axon and Ixos cables recommended above all seem like safe bets. I would avoid the Kimber 4PR, but the 4VS is fine. 4VS sells for $3 retail and comes up here every once in awhile for about half price.