I forgot to mention that I will get the remote options for the AE 3 & SLP 50B. Thanks in advance guys.....
Best Speaker Wire & Tube Pre for Aleph 3
I am presently running Wadia WT 2000 transport-X64.4 DAC through an OBH 12 (For remote purposes)Acoustic Research SP6C, Aleph 3, MIT Terminator 2 Bi-Wired to a pair of Sonus Faber Concerto Grand Piano. I want to replace the OBH-12/AR SP6C chain with a single unit remote tube pre-amp to make it more simple and less interconects. I'm looking at the AE 3 or the Cary SLP 50B. Any comments on my Speaker wires & Remote Tube pre-amp are welcome. Positive & negative Ok.