why not consider second hand. Usually at that price level the speakers have been very well maintained, look like new or possibly have a little tiny something somewhere, but are sold at half the price. At this moment several up for sale at audiogon, including a pair of Gryphon Pendragons, for much less than your price point.
I have heard many of the suggestions listed above. However, there has only been one system that had me 100% completely fooled that there was not an actual piano playing in the room. Tidal Contriva G2's with a whole Bricasti front end. It literally brought a tear to my eye and a moment in my life that I will never forget.
Good news, they are about half of the OP's budget.
There is no universal best, of course. Not to one pair of ears, certainly not to many ears. Magico would not be on my list.
If I had 130k burning a hole in my pocket I’d buy a very nice pair of 30k or less speakers, like what I have. Then buy a decent Porsche. Call me practical, a penny pincher, thrifty…
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