Best speakers for 2000-USED

I'd like some suggestions on speakers. Are there any high quality speakers out there that really excell at producing a very big and very 3 dimensional atmosphere for around $2000 -USED. Good tight bass (hearing detail in an acoustic bass in jazz), timbre and smooth detail are also very important. I listen at moderate levels although I sometimes like to really fill up the room with music as long as it remains smooth and clear and not start to get edgy or harsh. My tastes in music range from rock to jazz to pop to symphonies to blues, with more of a emphasis on guitar pieces; artists like R.E.M., James Taylor, The Beatles, Acoustic Alchemy, B.B. King, Pat Matheny, Mannheim Steamroller, Lynard Skynard, Dave Crusin, Dianna Krall,Micheal Hedges, Mark Knopfler- Dire Straits, Heart, ZZ Top. I'm trying to get that sence of presence and 3 dimensionality I get with good headphones.
Citation 7.1 amp (4 x 150)-will bi-amp or bridge to
2 x 450-Which is best?
Adcom GTP-750 Pre-amp-another Citation 7.1 in the sys.
for movies
CD player:
Luxman DZ-111 (old 16-bit dual DAC unit
Cambrige Audio D500-SE
P.S. I don't drive and there's no audio places within 20-plus miles so I don't get much of a chance to audition. Also; I haven't been in the market for audio equipment for the last 12 years so I'm not up on what's out there that's new and exciting and what's mid to high quality nowadays
How about Spendor SP-1/2's for $2,000 NEW? Find the right dealer and that's the deal. For two grand, these speakers are a steal.
Danheather has nailed it. Vandys are the most forgiving of the bunch. You should be able to get 3As for about 1.5K leaving .5K for good, biwires. The 3Asigs will almost undoubtedly cost you more than $2K.
Thanks again for some much needed info (and a special thanks to Danheather) Maybe I'll ask the question here on this post that I asked on a seperate post. How do old pre-matrix B&W 802's stack up against the speakers that are being mentioned here in this post. One respondent on that other post wanted to know if I was bargain hunting or looking for speakers to satisfy me over an extended period.
Well I, like i'm sure most everyone else here, am just trying to get the best sound I can afford. So are these old B&W 802's on par with the type of speakers being discussed here? Although I can get these 802's for $500.00, price is not my main concern, good sounding music is.
I've also noticed that there hasn't been much mention of Dynaudio here whereas a lot of votes for Vandys, Thiels and Maggies. I've been considering the Dynaudio Audience 82's, any thoughts on them?
if you have the room,large bozaks.or,if room is a problem,
some old ev aristocrats are great.contrary to what most speaker manufacturers will tell you,its all been done before! sure,materials and tolerences may be better, but craftsmanship is poor. might as well go with the real thing
rather than some poor copy with a "new" twist that does'nt
really do much.
Of course, your mileage may vary......

Based on your criterea, I think that there may be a speaker company that you should investigate that is very new to the high end scene. It is called AV Reality. The speaker model that I think may fit your criterea is called the Avinci "Studio".

I've been around the block, having owned most of the "recommended stuff", yet have never been as excitied with other speakers as I am about this particular company's speaker offerings.

Currently I own their smaller monitors, and am so impressed with their performance that I have placed an order for this $2000 Avinci "Studio" model also. This speaker has the same ultra high end drivers as the $9500 Krell LAT-2, except the AV Reality Studio has a much better crossover, serious diffraction control and unique tweaked drivers, for $7500 less than the Krell!

Below is a reprint of a recent posting that should explain why I'm so excited about this particluar speaker company.

Thread re-print (monitor recommendation):

I've owned most of the big name speakers at one time or another (Thiel, Magnepan, Avalon, Legacy, Spica and Proac). Although I enjoyed all of these different speakers, none has ever made me think that I got the deal of the century in terms of sound per dollar, based on what I paid for them.

Recently I acquired a pair of AV Reality Avinci One speakers based solely on the fact that their drivers were something you usually see in $3500+ monitors , not $1000, which is what they cost.

To say that I am overwhelmed by this little speaker is putting it mild. They are very integrated, they image as good as anything that has come my way, they have a very smooooth treble, and they have the lowest bass I've ever heard from a monitor speaker, bar none! Downsides? Their sensitivity is on the low side, requiring a bit of power to really rock. That's their only downside, in my opinion.

The designer of this speaker company has quite an interesting background in that he was a driver designer for a large speaker driver company (I think possibly Scan Speak). He has some obvious insights into the "little things" that makes first rate speaker drivers. Many of his speakers use modified versions of top of the line drivers from Vifa. (To me, it's like buying a seriously tweaked Ferrari directly from the head mechanic of the factory Ferrari race team.)

As an Electrical Engineer myself who has been deeply involved in high end audio for over twenty years, I still can't figure out how AV Reality can bring this level of speaker to market for $1000. The retail cost on the components alone is close to $800!

I strongly suggest that you consider this monitor before AV Reality gets wise, and realizes that they can charge 100% more for these speakers (and probably increase their sales too). It's funny (and unfortunate) how most audiophiles don't take a product seriously until it costs an arm and a leg, and has multi-thousand dollar ad campaign, (which of course, drives the product's price even higer).