best speakers for vocals?

Hi, I was wondering what people's thoughts are on speakers that are best for vocal centric music? I am looking for speakers that are best at reproducing vocals, especially female in the most lifelike, 3-dimensional, airy, emotional manner. I am trying to recreate a lifelike, live show, front row sound. To this end, I prefer a speaker that can create a holographic soundstage with a palpable vocal sound with some weight.

I listen mainly to jazz, pop, adult contemporary, down tempo.

My budget is < $15,000.
I got the Reynaud Orfeo and you are right, Reynauds are warm, emotional, immediate, tonally accurate and wonderful with vocals and acoustic instruments.
But I also got the KEF 201 and if you want to focus on Vocals, nothing beats the KEF 201 reference
Martin Logan Summits are far and away one of my favorites. Others to consider are Vandersteen 5a, SF Cremonas, Magnepan 20.1, BW802D, Usher Dancer Be10, Wilson Sophia, JM Labs 1027Be.

Long time reader, never posted. Have had a variety of high end low end systems, TL's, electrostatics, several variants of the LS3/5A and clones (KEF CS2, KEF CS2A), the LS5/12A, several different Monitor Audio (Studio 2, Studio 20, Studio 12).

My wife has a hearing issue and as such has difficulty with listening to the news on a radio and TV. Last year I build some "Metronome's" ( first with the Fostex FF125Wk and later with the FF105WK. Now no other speaker will do. Imaging is superb. Drawback is that complex orchestra's and high sound levels are not its strength. I much prefer the FF105WK version (the FF125WK was just put together as a test box but my wife does not let me make them in a more final version - afraid I'll spoil the "magic" for her).

If we had the space them I would make a larger one with the Fostex FF165WK.
Old thread, good topic!

I find often when vocals are clear and easy to understand, the rest is pretty good as well.

Vocals are a great test in that one knows when the words can be understood or not, since people themselves and not some foreign device designed by people are the instruments. Plus the human voice is a fairly broad range instrument compared to most others I believe.

Its much more cut and dry than assessing most other attributes of good sound.

Good clear vocals are a very good omen for good sound overall I think.

I have heard a lot of variation in ability to deliver vocals clearly using different gear in my system.

Best speakers for vocals of the ones I own and use often:

1) OHM walsh
2) Triangle Titus
3) Dynaudio Contour 1.3mkII

All are pretty good but some better than others.

I find I like speakers that crossover at higher frequencies in general best for coherent and understandable vocals. OHM and Triangle do this. REf3A is another I can think of that I recall takes that approach as well. Most good quality single full range drivers should do an excellent job as well but overall frequency bandwidth would likely be more limited.

Others may do well also but there is a lot that can go wrong when crossovers come into play in the primary frequency range of the human voice.