Best Speakers with a DNA-1?

I don't want to hijack the contemporaneous discussion of "Speakers costing range of 2500-3500 per pair" on another thread (question by @spendmoney), but I'm curious to know if any of the answers would have been different if the amp were a McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe instead of the Denon 4311-ci.  I'm using this amp to power a pair of Polk LSIM 707's now, and am contemplating my next move.  If any of the responders to that post would care to weigh in here, I'd appreciate it.
Vandys are great as are ProAc and Joseph Audio.  Depends on your particular tastes and what what sound characteristics are most important to you.  I'm sure they'd all sound fantastic with the DNA1.  Great amp. 

@gdnrbob ++1 Two great posts. My DNA-1 is arriving at SMc Audio early this week for a complete rebuild. I bought my amp back in 1997 so the motherboard is probably about shot as per SMc Audio’s experience with DNA-1’s of my vintage.

Steve, Patrick etc. with SMc Audio do great work. They put a lot of pride into their work. And yes, their price for all the work they are doing seems very reasonable if not a downright bargain to me.

My DNA-1 is is driving Vandersteen Treo CT. Any Vandys will yield great music. Don’t forget what gdnrbob said about getting a recent production model as Mr. Vandersteen is regularly upgrading his designs.

Good luck!
Funny as folks get mad at me when I tell them to try adn purchase his newest models as he really does upgrade constantly.  It's also nice to be able to get some of the upgrades after you have owned your speakers for a few years for a nominal fee.  

Didn't even know Steve still upgrades and is building.  He is one of the forgotten builders I think.  I loved his amps as well as Brown Electronics Lab or BEL amps and a few others.  They would have been some of the first builders who would probably have sold direct back in the day if they really had that.
I too run a DNA-1 and am looking for speakers so this is perfect timing for me. Vandersteen has not been on my radar but looks to be a go to choice. I'm leaning heavily toward Harbeth P3's as I found an excellent dealer here on Long Island but will keep watch here for other possibilities.   I spoke recently with Steve McCormack about a worry I had and he was so friendly and informative. Very impressed.
Sorry Cheeg if this is a hijack,no offense meant. I find these forums
very helpful for info in order to help make decisions. 
@offnon57 — don’t worry about hijacking me; you are exactly the kind of member I had hoped would join in. I hope you get as much good info from the responses as I have, and please let me know if you do get a new set of speakers!