Best Speakers with a DNA-1?

I don't want to hijack the contemporaneous discussion of "Speakers costing range of 2500-3500 per pair" on another thread (question by @spendmoney), but I'm curious to know if any of the answers would have been different if the amp were a McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe instead of the Denon 4311-ci.  I'm using this amp to power a pair of Polk LSIM 707's now, and am contemplating my next move.  If any of the responders to that post would care to weigh in here, I'd appreciate it.
Agree about getting over to Verona, NJ adn Audio Connection.  The Vandersteen's mate great with those amps. I asked a couple of friends offline (they don't play in audio forums, lol) about their amps that weren't upgraded and how they mated with their Vandersteen's.  To a person they said that for a SS amp, you would have to spend major coin to get such a great match.  One runs the Treo original and the other one runs the 2's (newest ones with the upgrades).  

Yes the Maggies work nicely withe McCormicks too based on what I remember but was a bit ago for me, lol.  

4hannons, funny as I'm looking at the LSA or another remote relay volume control IF I get the new Vandersteen amps that are coming out soon.  I'd love to hear more about your thoughts.  Either on this thread or email me at   
@ctsooner ,
Why do you need/want the LSA? I haven't heard about these before.
And, I think  'McCormicks' might be an ethnic slur.  ;)   
Where I'm at as far as speakers is: my current speakers are a humble pair of B&W dm303's (you might have to look them up)
and a single B&W asw 300 sub which I've managed to dial in fairly
well. They work well with the DNA 1, and since I've been checking out possible replacements the 303's sound better than ever.
Murphy's Law. I auditioned the Harbeth P3esr's locally recently
and they were quite agreeable to my ears. Plus their size agrees
with my living room listening room.However,after the P3's I listened
 to Lawrence Audio Cellos,in a different set-up/same dealer,and they offered a whole new world to me, as I have had limited listening experience to larger floorstanders. Once you get out of your zone it seems the possibilities become exciting and also daunting not to mention the financial stretch.I am going back for a second listen to 
the Harbeths and as it so happens this dealer also sells Vandersteen
so will try and get a listen to them as well.In the meantime I'll keep
an eye here to see if any more suggestions come in.As I mentioned
prior,I look to these forums for info and guidance, while knowing
actual listening is most important of all. cheeg,thanks for giving me a pass on hijacking and good luck with speakers. 
sorry,but wanted to thank fellow Long Islander gdnrbob for John Rutan mention and good to know you have much McCormack 
experience. If I decide to upgrade mine I'll hit you up for advice.
If it sounds like I'm practicing for my Oscar acceptance speech it's
just that as you can see I have much post catching up to do.This should be number 5. Thanks to all the Agon members,and to my
mom,who lovingly used to say I had a brain like a sieve.
Offnon, I promise you that if you go listen to some of the newer speakers like a Vandersteen or even B&W (Johnny also sells those so you can hear side by side) you will be floored.  

Bob, I will need a preamp/volume control is I get the Vandersteen new mono blocks.  I was told they are as good as most of the 30-40k mono's out there. I wouldn't be able to afford a good Audio Research LS28 ((even used), Richard said to get a great volume control.  The only input I use now is a balanced from the new The Memory Player or the Ayre QX5/20 (if I decide to keep this and not take delivery on TMP).  Was told that Lightspeed is the best sounding, but it's not balanced and can't be. I spoke with the designer, who's in Austrailia, and he said there are too many small variances so balanced won't work.  '