Best SPKR'S and cables for Krell Amps?

I'm running a pr of FPB 250M's and would like to hear from Krell owners on their success's with SPKR's with krell amps.
Thanks Mike
A friend of mine uses B&W 802 with the Krell FPB 200 driven by Lexicon Pre/Pro, and I LuV his system, clean, detailed, extended bass (tight & detailed), not in ya face mids and excellent highs (not harsh by any means).

Myself, I use the ProAc Response 3.8 with the Krell FPB-300cx driven by Krell Showcase Pre/Pro. I can assure you this combo is an audiophiles dream! Bass is tight and well extended with great grip from the Krell down to 31Hz in my room (measured with a Terrasonde ATB Plus). The mids are unreal (read the Stereophile review at their site), clean, detailed and so lively – I swear lead vocalist are at times in my room, “and the bastards have been in my fridge too at times I’m sure”. The highs are just right and extended yet not in ya face, or worst still in ya ears.

Actually my mate (above) is now talking about upgrading in hoping to surpass my system - the jealous buggar! If you are lucky enough to demo ProAc with Krell, be sure too before you go and buy anything... be warned because if you don’t and you eventually hear Krell with ProAc, in particular the Response 3.8 you’ll never forgive yourself!

BTW, my speaker cables are Kimber BiFocal XL driving the ProAc's in BiWire config, interconnects are PS Audio balanced xStreams (these to are fantastic). All my front end runs via the PS 500 power regenerator. My music preferences are mostly Blues and 70’s Rock with “some” Jazz.

Good luck with your shopping.

ps: I might just go and wack on some Guy Davis and let the music, correction “band PlaY”!
Sonus Faber is voicing their speakers with Krell.

Also Krell and Wilson a classic match.

Also Vienna acoustics.
Apogees? About a dead short at 1ohm, so Krell should be able to push them. The bigger the apogee the better!