Best System for Pink Floyd

Someone who I never expected might listen to Pink Floyd was praising Dark Side of the Moon recently.

It made me realize that I have been listening to it for over 30 years now, and I still get something out of it every time, and also trust and rely on Pink Floyd to test the resoltuion and imaging of my audio components.

Which made me wonder:

Imagine if the only music you would ever listen to again was Pink Floyd, what components and in particular, what speakers would you suggest?

It would be fascinating to hear how you like to listen to Pink Floyd, as well as an interesting litmus test for capable and dynamic systems.
Tvad, Im sorry if I missunderstand, I might interpret "immersive" differently, stimulation for a number of senses?
But for me the headphone is always 2 dimensional compared to my speakers, even though I own some very nice headphones. There good if no one else wants to listen to the music though.
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I just spent some time on head fi to shop for headphonea and got a nice pair of Ultrasone Edition 8's. They are amazing on ipods and also with the main system using a Manley Neo 300b for headphones.
However, the majesty of the "big rig" isn't challenged.
I think headphones offer intimacy and appreciation of certain types of resolution, and can be very satisfying, but the main system is still the "go to" for ultimate listening impact.
I can listen with headphones and keep the subwoofers on as well, which seems to improve overall slam and scale from the headphones.