Best tube integrated under 1500 new or used

I am using a MingDa 300B-4T and it is actually pretty good. I guess with mod such as power supply, coupling cap and other upgrades then it will sound even better. The one I have is 100% stock.

What other tube integrate amps you think offer great values for under 1500 usd new or used?
I've had a TAD 60 for a couple of months now. Mine has the upgrades. I run it mostly in triode mode with feedback off. This is one sweet amp! Bass is very good, better than any tube amp I have personally heard. Mids and treble are smooooth. Detail is excellent. I can't think of anything else in this price range that would be any better. Looks really great, too. I'm using mine driving a pair of Hawthorne Audio Siver Iris coaxial speakers (with modded crossovers) in open baffles. These amps are impressive!

I agree that the ''heavier'' Cayin amps like the A 88-T are simply amazing and offer $5K build quality and sound for not a lot of money. My previous amps were the Jadis Orchestra, a very nice amplifier, but unfortunately too old-sounding and tubey (you know, the kind without enough resolution). If you are a romantic, it's a good choice - but I just couldn't get used to it. The other integrated I owned was the Sim Audio I-5 LE. Not bad but ultimately much too dark and dry for my taste. Nice build quality and looks, but for me, outrageous prices should provide outrageous sound. Kept that one a whole 3 months.

Then I visited a friend who had this nice-looking Cayin A 88-T. He gladly let me try it in my system. It was a much more organic and lively sound than my Moon I-5 ever could produce - so I bought a Cayin. Never looked back and this will be a keeper for sure. If you can audition one, do it, if not, buy one unheard, if you don't like it, you will be able to sell it fast as this kind of quality ( point to point, ultalinear/triode, plus metal remote) and refined sounds is hard to come by at even twice the price. If you do get a Cayin A 88-T, throw out the stock cord and get an upgraded power cord (not necessarily an expensive one - try the new Venom at $ 100.00) PLUS a new quad set of Svetlana KT 88's to replace the stock tubes. I swear this is the best you can do this side of $4, maybe 5K, for a LOT less money. Check it out and good luck!
Another vote for the TAD-60. This is a highly impressive amp and, for the cost, staggered me how good it is, particularly in triode mode.
I agree on the Cayin A 88-T. The build quility is amazing as is the sound. It would be very hard to find this kind of quality at this price any where else.