Best tube preamplifier for under $15k

Let’s hear it guys, what’s your favorite. 
People whose ears I trust swear by the LTA. I have their UL amp and it is simply amazing so I would not be surprised if the LTA is right up there with the best. I recently bought the new Herron VTSP 360 ESP. Fantastic linestage--significantly better than the already great VTSP 3A (RO3) and should be on anyone's list at $6.5K. Both the LTA and Herron are less that half of the OP's price point but I would venture are right up there with others on the list that retail $15K but to be fair I haven't heard them because I can't afford $15K!
So what did the OP choose?

My first suggestion is MP-1 by Atma-Sphere or MP-3 fully loaded.
Second choice would be VAC
Third Choice: Lamm
BAT VK-33 ... 6922 based and you can tube roll to your heart's desire. Wonderful sound, built like a tank, reliable, and won't break the bank.
larryi brought up a very good point,that seemed to go totally ignored. I think there are too many unanswered prerequisites by the op. Otherwise it’s just everyone suggesting what they have.