Best upgrade path for an older but nicely maintained Linn LP12

I dropped off my 1978 LP12 for a tuneup yesterday. To do this I must make the nearly four hour round trip to Accent on Music in MT Kisco, NY. I live in Guilford, CT and although  a long drive, David Wilson is the only person I have ever let work on my LP12. It was last tuned up in 2012 so it's time. While there yesterday David plugged it in for a quick listen and I was relieved to hear that it was still "a very nice sounding LP12". I knew that already but hearing it from David is very reassuring. My table is currently set-up with a Lingo 2, Ittok, and Dynavector 20x HO. My system consists of a McIntosh MAC7200 and two Pranafidelity Bhanas on Sound Anchor stands.  I was glad to hear the folks at Accent agree that the Dynavector seems to show no sign yet of wear. I've owned that cartridge for 7 years but only play it for a few hours a week and not every week. We of course discussed a few upgrade options and that is why I am asking the following of this group.

How much of a listening difference will an upgraded keel make? It will cost $1200 but I am told it will make a big improvement. Not that I doubt what anyone at Accent on Music tells me but your opinions are valued too. Thank you all in advance for your thoughts. 
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Showing 2 responses by daveyf

@sondekmcintosh Firstly, the folks at Accent on Music are first class and truly know their stuff. Secondly, when you post about LP12’s these days..on just about any audio forum, you will get LP12 haters who really have absolutely no clue about the table putting in their 2 cents worth. IF you can get a Keel at $1200-, I would jump on that immediately!
The upgrades to the LP12 are not only well worth it, but also without exception are truly upgrades in SQ. As you may know, there is an upgrade path that should be followed. That path dictates upgrading from the inside of the table out. Therefore, the bearing is the first to be done, followed by the subchassis, power supply etc., and out to the tonearm and lastly the cartridge. The new Karousel bearing is a superb upgrade and the one that I would suggest be first on your list. ( although the Keel at $1200- should be jumped on as well, if in budget!).

If you look at some of my other posts here and elsewhere, I am typically fending off the Linn naysayers who have either a) never owned or heard an LP12, but are 100% sure their Crossley is better at a fraction of the price, or b) owned an LP12 back 30-40 years ago, never could get it to work well because they worked on it themselves and managed to get the suspension to bounce once..and then had their car mechanic have a go, which confirmed their poor impression; and have now moved on to their favorite Technics.

Just laughable....:0(

@sondekmcintosh  Your LP12 should sell quickly, although I personally would not sell to go solely to Sonos, but like you said, to each their own. 
Depending on condition, your LP12 would probably get somewhere between $6k and $7K. You might want to see how much Dave at Accent would give you for it, I'm sure he has a waiting customer base.