Best used 2 channel preamp for 2500.00.

Hi to all the experts out there. I have a sims titan 5 channel amp (basically 5 channels of the w-5). I would like to mate it with a great preamp for music. The front runner right now is a Audio Research LS-25. What else should I look at? Are there older model AR's that will do just as well? I plan on getting a arcam FMJ 23 CD player. My speakers are custom made Scan speak driver. Thanks for any help you guys and girls can give me!!!!!
Thanks for the responses!!!! I do not neeed phono stage. I also would like remote and balanced outs. If I could get one with a home theater bypass I would be in heaven!!!
It also has a line stage. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear about that. Also has a processor loop. 3 tube configuration. Phono stage is jus kind of a bonus for resale.
Try a Copland CTA301 Mkl or Mk2. Will match up against any of the recommended preamps and yet cost a 1/3 of their price. Have yet to hear a better preamp. (and yes I have listened to it and yes it is a preamp. I only say that as you earlier got a suggestion for an amp that was never heard before yet it is recommended. Plus you asked for a pre not an amp)
Seriously, the Copland preamp makes a lot of expensive preamps sound cheap.