Best used amp for around 500

I'm am desperately trying to upgrade from a Denon AVR-3300 receiver. Looking for a stereo amp for the fronts. I'm entertaining the idea of a five channel amp, but I don't yet have DVD-Audio or SACD, and money is an issue. The receiver is fine for movies, but for music...well, it won't do. I'm currently running Acoustic Energy Aegis 3's for the fronts - silk dome tweets, pretty warm, laid back sound. Any suggestions?
stock dynaco st-70 for $200-$300 modify as funds allow.
best buy! best sound!
A surprising "ringer" in this category is the Yamaha M-80. Besides being the best sounding amp that Yamaha ever made, it is a TRUE "dual mono" design, complete with seperate transformers and power supplies for each channel. Beat the hell out of a Bryston 4B when i did a side by side comparison ( no offense Sugar ). Another good point about this amp is that it can sometimes be found for as low as $250. Plenty of power as it is 250 wpc @ 8, has jacks and switching for three sets of speakers. Only problem is that the binding posts ARE "funky", so you might have a hard time with various connectors.

As to the Muse amps, they are good quality. Like many other amps of that vintage though, they make use of Mosfets that are no longer available or in production. Should something go wrong with it, you might have to scavenge parts, etc...

Whatever you choose to do, you are in the right place to find some GREAT deals. Sean
audiolab 8000s or 8000a if you require phono stage. These are clinical amps ... maybe good with warm speakers.
Cyrus 2 or 3 with PSX power supply (a must).
I saw some audiolabs on this site recently ... you cannot go wrong with these amps.
How about the Rotel RB-1070 or the model that it replaced (the RB-980, I think?)? 135WPC, very clean inside, with dual transformers. The discontinued model can be had (if you can find it) new for $400, probably $200 to $300 used.

I think you will find this amp a surprisingly good upgrade in sound at low cost -- moving to separates makes a big difference!

When you get rich, buy the system of your dreams, and this amp will be very respectable for a second system (or as I plan to do -- bridged mono for the rest of the house). Depending on your budget right now, it may be better to spend less rather than fooling yourself into thinking you are getting the ultimate piece, which you will replace later anyway.

I demoed this amp against more expensive units. I liked it better than any of the integrateds I heard, not as well as the more expensive amps -- but much better than any receivers. I'm waiting to replace it until I have, say, $2000 to spend on an amp.

- Eric
Brian (or Allan?) of HelloSimplyMusic answered your question above. The best amp for $500 or under is the Muse 100. I have a '92 model in my second system. I have auditioned lots of others. Except for the larger Muse 160, nothing else in the under $2000 new bracket was really acceptable. I haven't heard the Rotels mentioned above. They might be ok.