Clueless, i've got a modified PAS 3 running a Marantz 8 in my basement system. Out of curiosity, what speakers are you running ?
To keep things on track here, you guys know that i would HIGHLY second the little Forte' amps. They are quite load sensitive though as we've come to find out, so might not be good in all situations. If you can find a complimentary set of speakers and cables, personally, i think that they are untouchable for the money. The suggestion about the Classe' 70 might be good if Dklap wants something to brighten and liven up the sound of their "pretty warm, laid back" Aegis 3's. Sean
To keep things on track here, you guys know that i would HIGHLY second the little Forte' amps. They are quite load sensitive though as we've come to find out, so might not be good in all situations. If you can find a complimentary set of speakers and cables, personally, i think that they are untouchable for the money. The suggestion about the Classe' 70 might be good if Dklap wants something to brighten and liven up the sound of their "pretty warm, laid back" Aegis 3's. Sean