Thanks for filling me in Clueless. Glad to see that you're not afraid to get your hands dirty too : )
While i sometimes hook up different speakers there, i am usually using a set of modded La Scala's or Heresy's. I currently have the Heresy's GUTTED and am not quite sure what i'm going to do with them. Thinking about building a completely different cabinet and augmenting the bass in some manner. Another project on my list to do this year.
As to the main thread here, do you plan to use the preamp section of the receiver to drive the power amp or go directly into the power amp via variable output controls on a source ? Sean
While i sometimes hook up different speakers there, i am usually using a set of modded La Scala's or Heresy's. I currently have the Heresy's GUTTED and am not quite sure what i'm going to do with them. Thinking about building a completely different cabinet and augmenting the bass in some manner. Another project on my list to do this year.
As to the main thread here, do you plan to use the preamp section of the receiver to drive the power amp or go directly into the power amp via variable output controls on a source ? Sean