Best used amp for around 500

I'm am desperately trying to upgrade from a Denon AVR-3300 receiver. Looking for a stereo amp for the fronts. I'm entertaining the idea of a five channel amp, but I don't yet have DVD-Audio or SACD, and money is an issue. The receiver is fine for movies, but for music...well, it won't do. I'm currently running Acoustic Energy Aegis 3's for the fronts - silk dome tweets, pretty warm, laid back sound. Any suggestions?
Thanks for filling me in Clueless. Glad to see that you're not afraid to get your hands dirty too : )

While i sometimes hook up different speakers there, i am usually using a set of modded La Scala's or Heresy's. I currently have the Heresy's GUTTED and am not quite sure what i'm going to do with them. Thinking about building a completely different cabinet and augmenting the bass in some manner. Another project on my list to do this year.

As to the main thread here, do you plan to use the preamp section of the receiver to drive the power amp or go directly into the power amp via variable output controls on a source ? Sean
First, thanks for the recommendations. Didn't expect such a quick response. I'll do some searching to see what amps I can find to listen to. As to Sean's question, I'll likely use the receiver as a pre-amp/processor until it is replaced with a more suitable component. What do you guys hear about the Chiro amps? Also, I recently saw an Odyssey Stratos that has been highly rated - anyone ever hear one?

Stratos: Heard it and I like it if you go for the SS sound. Good prices on used. Get the 120,000uF cap upgrade.

I remain,
Yes the Odyssey Stratos is a great amp. But they usually go for 700 dollars used.

The pre-amp portion of your system has as much, or more, effect on your overall sound as does the amp. This is why people are asking about whether you plan to use your receiver as a pre-amp -- your receiver will continue to be a limiting factor. You might want to see if you can borrow an amp somehow to test with, and buy it only if it really gives improved sound. Perhaps a store in your area that sells used or demo equipment?

- Eric