best used amp pre-amp combo for a grand

For those who have been around (audio) for a while. Could you tell me what is the best (used) deal going for an amp/pre-amp combo. For music only-running Klipsh Heresys
You could do much worse than a B&K amp (along the lines of ST1400 Series II @ 125w, Reference 4420 @ 200w) and Acurus RL11 remote-controlled preamp (one of Acurus' GOOD products -- forget about their amps though.) You'd probably still have some money leftover. The B&K amps are about the best available for the money used - they lack the harsh and nasty character that alot of SS amps in the sub $1000 price range display. They're just warm and smooth, and have a laid back and coherent soundstage. Don't let the "boutique brand" crowd upnose you away from B&K - you'll be eating their lunch until you spend quite a bit more money. Also, a Conrad Johnson Sonograph SA-250 is another great amp in this price range, perhaps even better than most B&Ks. Another smooth performer, with expanded clarity.

Hope this helps!
You will go slightly over $1000 but worth it. For a preamp I highly recommend a tube Conrad Johnson PV-10AL probably (+/-)$550. Get a solid state power amp to go with it, like the CJ MF2100, or any number of other great used power amps in the $500 to $600 range. The key to great music in this price range is a good preamp like the CJ PV-10 preamp IMHO.

Have you considered an integrated, or do you need power?

As far as integrated vs ss vs Tube...I don't care. I just want something that sounds good, not aproaching perfect. The gear will be hidden. I do want to be able to run speakers in 4 locations. I already have a switch box that seems to work with my Kyocera 85 wpc reciever. I apreciate all of your input.
I agree with Sugarbrie, The PV10AL is a good place to start. I just saw a CJ/Sonopraphe SA250 on sale here on Agon. That would be a nice combo.
Good luck