Best value speakers available

I was intrigued by a thread about buying new speakers in the 10k range, a speaker that just kept poping up was the magnepan 3.6. I agree that that is a super value for the money but then again so are the 1.6's. What are you picks for the best "value" speaker out there. I would prefer not to hear the wilson audio X-1 grand slamm, unless of course you are bill gates! thanks in advance for any comments.
As far as new speakers,I would go with B&W's.
But I am crazy about my 25+ year old voice of the theatre
speakers by altec lansing.Nothing I have had before them
could come close.And I have had some dandies.The only
problem is the size.They are gigantic speakers.As life-like
souding as it get's!
I vote for ACI Sapphire's III. It uses 7" Focal midrange and ScanSpeak 9300 tweeter, biwirable and easy to 'drive'. It has been compared with B&W 805. Newer Le model have improved enclosure and weight almost 30lbs! All for $1200!
The Gershman Acoustics GAP 520 X


This speaker is elegant and refined like no other in the price range . Each time I look at it looks more beatiful

Throw away your big boring boxes and quirky designs and let the beauty of this speakers sound and looks seduce you.

Here is what the experts say:

"Thought the sound was refined and dynamic -- not to mention eminently affordable" (Stereophile, April 1995)

"...The sound delicious, relaxing, effortless and wonderfully musical" (Stereophile, October 1996)

"...Gershman GAP 520-X produced a sound that definitely high-end. Gershman Acoustics speakers impress me more every time I hear them. In another room, the smaller Avant Gard RX-20 sounded very good driven by Melos Electronics." (Stereophile, December 1996)

"Low frequency extension rounds out the Avant Gardes' strong points, and I mean a really strong point, the type of rock solid foundation that, once you've heard it, is tough to live without...I was wondering just what it was about the Gershman that made them so musical? What was it that they did right, or at least a little bit better than the rest, that allowed them to capture the magic? (The Absolute Sound, Winter 1996)

"...Sounded not just very good, but superb! ...The Avant Garde loudspeakers will literally sing." (The Inner Ear Report, Vol.7, No.2, 1994)

"No coloration, rock solid bass control, and a tendency to disappear magically...Extraordinary, allying robustness and warmth, firmness and refinement. The bring out countless treasure from your records." (UHF Magazine, No.43, 1995)
Any expert revoew this item in the last 5 years.With reviews from the likes of the USELESS at THE INNER EAR it makes me want to run run run away from the speaker.
I owned the Tyler's for a while. They are fantastic. Weak in bass but that can be over come with a solid sub. For $1300 buy them!
